Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Now it seems real.

The minute we received the news we could not believe that it was true. We were hoping that they messed up somewheres and had it wrong. Especially since their were no genetic diseases running through our families. We were hoping and praying for the best. And then their test results came in from the University of Alabama... They had tested for two different types of MPS, Hunters and Hurlers syndrome. They came back negative for Hurlers but positive for Hunters. A person with out Hunters Syndrome has 35,790 of these specific enzymes in their body that helps their bodies to function and break down things! Hunters results showed that he only had 36 of the 35,790 enzymes his body needs. Kingston's body is producing 0 of those enzymes. Those results really hit me hard, I had proof in my hands that my babies were sick. I know they are in Gods hands right now and am just enjoying the time that he gives me with them.