Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Road Trip to Akron Ohio to see Dr. Hertle

Today July 3rd both of the boys had an eye appointment with Dr. Hertle. It has been 8 months since Hunter had eye surgery to correct his nystagmus also known as "dancing eyes" and to adjust his optic nerve to give him a more broader spectrum and to correct his head tilt.
Hunter has not been in glasses since January of 2012 when Dr. Hertle took him out of them because Hunter kept taking them off and they really seemed to be bugging him.

Before surgery Hunter was pretty much blind in his right eye and slightly blurred in his left. Specialists in Nashville TN and Binghamton NY both said they're was nothing that could be done. We thought else wise, and luckily we did because we found Dr. Hertle that is the nations top specialist in pediatric nystagmus and other pediatric eye diseases that require surgery to correct. He is actually the only doctor in the US that will perform this surgery for children. Luckily he is training a team so others will be able to perform this surgery in the future!

The boys had a few test done on them. They did not find any swelling or buildup behind the eyes. Hunters nystagmus wasn't cured from surgery just corrected. It's not noticeable by most people and only happens rarely. His vision has been corrected to the point where he does not need to wear glasses at this point in time. His right eye is now a +1.50 now, which is very good compared to the before. He should only need glasses come the school years where he will need them for reading. Other than than that it dies not in-pare his everyday activities. He does have an astigmatism in one eye that is not affecting his vision at all which may be corrected later with the glasses.
Kingston's cornea and optic nerve was very clear. His vision was excellent as well. He does have two astigmatisms that will be corrected at school age with glasses as well.

I'm very happy with my bits results and glad that their vision will not be holding them back in any way! :)

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