This past week has been a LONG LONG WEEK! Thursday July 19 was like any other Thursday. It was the 2nd week that my boys had their ports placed & 2nd infusion. They were still pretty pink because their bodies were not used to them yet and were not fully healed.
We started the morning by putting Emla cream on them and putting their bandages over them and heading to the hospital for their infusions. When we got their they took of their bandages to access their ports and by that time Kingston's port area was very bright red and tender to touch. The port was still accessed and his vitals were good for the next 4 hours.
After the infusion his port was still a bright red color. We left the hospital and about 45 minutes down the road Kingston woke up pulling at his ears, acting uncomfortable. By the time we got home and I got him out of his carseat and realized he was burning up. I got him in the house and took his temperature, it was reading 103.3 under the arm. I got my mom on the phone calling the doctors office as I headed out the door. By the time I got to the pediatricians I had got a text telling me they would see us right away.
We went right in and they took his temperature rectally and it was reading 105.3!! Wowza poor boy just wanted to be held by mamma and didn't want anyone else touching him. I had gave him Tylenol before we left the house and it was still rising.
The doctors office set us up at Wilson Hospital where we headed over there right away. All the doctors were scared that it was a line infection and would have to come right out...
That was just the start to our week long trip in the hospital(s)!!
Hope everything is going better for u all.. :(.. Will keep r family in my prayers.. Love u girlly